Earthquake Survival Kit for Babies

IMG_3109I remember the ’94 Northridge earthquake vividly. We lived only a few miles away in Calabasas and our home was hit hard. In fact, we had to move out for several weeks while they repaired our home. Everything closed for a few days – schools, businesses, grocery stores.

Thankfully, my parents had prepared earthquake kits for the whole family and it was easy for us to quickly gather what we had to and head out of the valley for a few days to escape the aftershocks and wait for the town to resume normal activity. In my adult life, I’ve always tried to do my best to be prepared for an emergency – especially living in Southern California, where earthquakes are bound to happen.

This last weekend, we had a baby tremor (no pun intended) and while it didn’t cause any damage, it did serve to remind me our earthquake kit wasn’t properly stocked to sustain a baby.

Here’s a list of items I’ve included in our earthquake kit for Ryder. I’ve prepared these items for what is appropriate for a 9 – 12 month old baby and set up a recurring reminder in my phone to update the kit quarterly. I chose to stock our kit with 72 hours worth of items, since stores may need a day or two to clean up and restock their shelves before reopening to the public.

Hope this list inspires you to update or create your own emergency kit for baby (you hopefully already have one for yourself).

Diapers – Daytime and overnight diapers

Baby Wipes – These are great for diaper changes, cleaning up after a meal and just general hygiene

Diaper Rash Cream

Bottled Water – Enough for drinking water and to mix with powdered formula

Formula – 120oz. powdered (easy to take on the go) + scoop and liquid pre-mixed (heavy, but ready to go)

Baby Food – Squeeze packs eliminate the need to wash utensils

Bottles And Nipples – I packed several, though if you have a camper stove in your emergency kit, you can pack less and boil

Bib And Burp Clothes – Could also pack a small thin blanket, which could be used for other purposes

Warm Blankets

Clothing – I packed up a size, as it’s much easier to dress baby in clothing too large than vice versa

  • I bought these plain white, long-sleeved Gerber onesies in bulk on Amazon.
  • Thin and fleece leggings – Can be layered as needed
  • Footed pajamas
  • Socks – These can double as mittens and baby socks are so tiny, a few extra pairs can’t hurt (sock puppets, anyone?)
  • Zip up hoodie
  • Hat – Beanie for night / Brimmed for sunlight


Hand Sanitizer

Teething Toy – Ryder doesn’t take a paci, but you may want to include a couple in your kit

Duplicate Of Favorite Toy – Ryder’s happens to be Lamaze Captain Calimari 

Dust Mask – could take a couple days for the dirt and dust to settle

Baby First Aid Kit – Add any additional medications baby may need

Headlamp And String of LED Lights – To find and change baby in the dark

Large Trash Bag – For soiled diapers and clothing

Baby Carrier – If you have a spare carrier, this is a great addition, as baby may find more comfort in being worn during a scary time. If you don’t have a spare, try and always keep your main carrier in an easily accessible location.

Giant Bag To Carry It All In – A giant trash bin is great for stockpiling emergency supplies, but difficult to take on the go. A large backpack or luggage on wheels is another good option. We use this Quicksilver Daddy Diaper bag. It holds a ton of stuff and keeps hands free for carrying baby or other supplies.

If you have any suggestions to add, I’d love to hear your input, as I’m a strong believer that you can never be too prepared.





2 thoughts on “Earthquake Survival Kit for Babies

  1. Pingback: Are you Ready for a Natural Disaster with a Baby? | Essentially a Mom

  2. Pingback: Toddler Emergency Grab and Go Kit – rydersmomblogs

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